Methods & Formats

Our methods & formats are diversified. The consulting and coaching processes are matched to the individual needs of our clients.  We support our clients according to their specific and individual situations.


– Mind Coaching:
We are developing and practising mental, emotional and physical expertise with different techniques. The goal is the development of the personality and the growth and the increase of quality of life in all areas of life. By using creative process management we support you to realise your goals and overcome your bottlenecks.

– Energy healing:
Positively influencing the mind, body and soul is called Energy healing. We work with the subtle energy system of a person. Stress in this energy system could create blockades. The energy is not flowing freely and you can not live your full potential. By activating the self-healing power, energetic blockades are dissolved, conflicts/traumas and their cell information are neutralised.  This harmonisation is leading to a healthy, well balanced and satisfying life.


Coaching: We are working with you for intrinsic success. Intrinsic goals will  lead to more independence from goals outside and to an increase or improvement of your performance and your quality of life.

– Consulting: We are  accompanying you by consulting focussed on looking for solutions. In this way you will be able to design and manage your outside processes creatively and with awareness. In different life situations, in your daily routine as well as in extreme situations.

– Keynote speeches: In our speeches we are talking about our experiences and extreme situations that we went through. We make our knowledge available to people who feel like they want success and develop their personality

– Training/Education: Petra Schroth (formerly Petra Weber) is passing on her knowledge to single persons or groups by training or further education. Many years of experience with a multitude of different methods enable her to know what is really successful and working in a certain situation.