Petra Schroth (formerly Petra Weber) has been working as a mind coach since 15 years supporting top athletes and different people within their situations. Besides methods like mind coaching, kinesiology and energy healing her own experience of life is a benefit for her clients. Her goal is to encourage her clients with enthusiasm, high awareness and empathy to discover their passion and to turn their potantial into reality.
Many years of experience with a multitude of different methods enable her to know what is really successful and working in a certain situation and to offer custom made coachings to her clients. She also is passing on her knowledge to single persons or groups by training or further education.
Press Releases:
“Grübler Smalum: An Lindemann vorbeigelaufen” – Artikel (22.04.2009)
“Murmelnd zum Erfolg”- Artikel Tagesspiegel (23.03.2006)
“Mentalcoach macht Smalum stark” – Artikel Mitteldeutschen Zeitung (22.03.2006) © Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Life story of Petra Schroth (formerly Petra Weber):
Markus Schroth & Petra Schroth SCHROTHPOWER since 2020
Markus Schroth & Petra Weber Coaching Consulting 2015-2020
Working as a Coach on Ultratrails
Ultratrail: Eiger UT, Schweiz, 101km, 6700 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Lavaredo UT, Italien, 119km, 5800 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Ultratrail du Mont Blanc, France, 171 km, 10200 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Pitz-Alpine Glacier Trail, Austria, 100 km, 6700 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Crotrail, Limone, Italy, 120 km, 7000 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Dolomiti Extreme Trail, Italy, 103 km, 7000 elevation gain
Himalayaexpedition, Himlung Himal 7126m, Nepal
Ultratrail: TDS Chamonix, France, 119 km, 7200 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Crotrail, Limone, Italy, 120 km, 7000 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Quadrifoglio Ultratrail, Borgo Val di Taro, Italy, 100 km,
5000 elevation gain
Ultratrail: Slotrail100 Postojna, Slovenia, 120 km, 5000 elevation gain
Himalayaexpedition, Mera Peak 6476 m, Nepal
Self employed entrepreneur since 1998
Mind coaching and energy healing for single persons and groups
Outdoortrainings which encourage personal growth or as a personal training
Top athletes: figure-skating (World champions, European champions, German champions)
Triathlon long distance (2nd European Championships)
Football (Bundesliga)
Trailrunning, Ultratrails
Employers, managers
Instructors and trainer
Individuals in demanding life situations
Degree as an engineer in Horticultural Sciences
Degree in adventure based learning
Degree mind coaching
Degree Life Coaching and Social Councelling (Austria)
Reiki Master, Reiki Teacher
S.T.A.R. 3 Johnny G. Spinning® Instructor
Seminar Matrix Energetics: Magic, Master Harmonics Resonance Technology, Richard Bartlett, Institut für Angewandte Kinesiologie, Kirchzarten b. Freiburg, Germany
Seminar Reiki 3rd degree/Master und Reiki 4th degree/Teacher, D. Bernhard, Rosenheim, Germany
Seminar Matrix Energetics: Mastery, Intuitive Awareness Intensive, ME Unplugged, Fundamentals, Richard Bartlett, Institut für Angewandte Kinesiologie, Kirchzarten b. Freiburg, Germany
Seminar Reiki 1. und 2. degree, D. Bernhard, Rosenheim, Germany
2007 – 2008
Seminar Applied Kinesiology, Touch for Health I – III and Three In One Concepts, Institut für Angewandte Kinesiologie, Kirchzarten b. Freiburg, Germany
Seminar Personal Trainer B-licence, BSA, München, Germany
2003 – 2004
Degree Life Coaching and Social Councelling, Mental College, Bregenz, Austria
Content of teaching: Psychology of dialogs, bioenergetic analysis, systemic constellation, gestalt psychology, transaction analysis, crisis management
Professional prerequisite for the business of life coaching in Austria according to BGBI. Nr. 221 with a number of 1036 hours (Coaching of individuals, Leadership of subject-specific seminars, supervision for individuals and groups, self-awareness)
S.T.A.R. 3 Johnny G. Spinning® Instructor
Seminar in SpinsensityTM, Creative coaching strategies, Flow, Advanced riding and teaching techniques, Aerobic base building, Creative music, MPK, München, Germany
Degree in Applied Kinesiology, Brain Gym I und II, Mental College, Bregenz, Austria
2001 – 2003
Degree in Mind Coaching, Mental College, Bregenz, Österreich.
Content of teaching: concentration, memory training, time management, attitude towards and dealing with demands, internal resources and goals, relaxation and activation, motivation, communication, marketing
1999 – 2001
Degree in Outdoortraining (Diplom Erlebnispädagogin) creative and ritual design of processes, Wildnisschule, Rorschacherberg, Switzerland.
Content of teachings: act orientated, Ressourcen orientated and process orientated leadership for groups and individuals, systemic consulting, crisis management, conflict management, conversational skills and communication, presentations and project management
Trainer for fitness, ski gymnastics and Rock‘n Roll, TU München – Weihenstephan, Germany
1990 – 1998
Studies of horticultureral sciences, TU München – Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany. Degree Diplom-Agraringenieurin Univ.